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Minting an Asset

In this tutorial we are going to mint an asset using the brambl-cli.

The process of minting a new asset is the following:

  • First, we need to create a group constructor token.
  • Then, we need to create a series constructor token.
  • Finally, we need to create an asset constructor token using the group and series constructor tokens.

Each one of these operations requires creating, proving and broadcasting a transaction.

Create the Group Constructor Token

The first step is to create the group constructor token. Before doing that, we need to create a group policy. A group policy is a document that describes the rules of the group. The group policy specifies the name of the group, and if the group is fixed or not. If the group is fixed, then the group constructor tokens can only be used with the series constructor tokens that have the same series identifier that is fixed.

Group policies are simple text files in YAML format. The group policy file for this tutorial looks like this:

label: MyGroupPolicy
registrationUtxo: tv4zwbVos3RCB2x3r2PNbMU4PJANU7rGpine8dcjvZr#0

The label field is the name of the group. The fixedSeries field is the series identifier of the series constructor token that will be used to mint the asset constructor token. The data in the fixedSeries field is 32 byte encoded in hexadecimal format. This field is optional.

The registrationUtxo field is the utxo that will be used to register the group constructor token. This UTXO must contain at least 1 LVL and needs to be spent in the minting transaction. Since each UTXO can only be spent once, the group constructor token can only be registered once. The group contructor token identifier is the hash of the group policy file. To get the UTXO from an address we need to run the following command:

brambl-cli genus-query utxo-by-address --from-fellowship $FELLOWSHIP --from-template $LOCK_TEMPLATE -h $HOST --port $PORT --walletdb $WALLET

This will query the UXTOs for the address in the genus node. It uses the wallet to derive the right address to query.

The output will look something like this:

TxoAddress : 9xuuz3GWYWtFPxYWUg1v5KHpeCuhJfyZ2x2KzuxsVRLN#0
LockAddress: ptetP7jshHTwEg9Fz9Xa1AmmzhYHDHo1zZRde7mnw3fddcXPjV14RPcgVgy7
Type : LVL
Value : 10000000

The TxoAddress is the UTXO that we need to use in the group policy file.

Once we have the group policy file, we can create the group constructor token using the following command:

brambl-cli simple-minting create --from-fellowship $FELLOWSHIP --from-template $LOCK_TEMPLATE  -h $HOST --port $PORT -n private --keyfile $KEYFILE -w $PASSWORD -o $MINTING_TX -i $GROUP_POLICY  -a $AMOUNT_TOKENS_TO_MINT --fee $FEE_AMOUNT --walletdb $WALLET_DB --mint-token group

Then we need to prove and broadcast the transaction. This is the same procedure that is used for all transaction and is showin in the how-tos Prove Transaction and Broadcast Transaction.

Do not forget to use the --secure parameter if you are using the testnet.

Create the Series Constructor Token

The next step is to create the series constructor token. To do that we need to create a series policy. A series policy is a document that describes the rules of the series. The series policy specifies:

  • the name of the series
  • the registrationUtxo that will be used to register the series constructor token
  • the fungibility of the series
  • the quantityDescriptor of the series
  • the permanent metadata schema of the series
  • the ephemeral metadata schema of the series

Series policies are simple text files in YAML format. The series policy file for this tutorial looks like this (you need to replace the registrationUtxo for the actual value):

label: MySeriesPolicy
registrationUtxo: 33HxStncsrptPB3ffkGpJNmoYwkkURvhiw92afWzjV3B#0
fungibility: group-and-series
quantityDescriptor: liquid
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: string
type: string

To create a simple minting transaction of series constructor tokens we run the following command:

brambl-cli simple-minting create --from-fellowship $FELLOWSHIP --from-template $LOCK_TEMPLATE  -h 
$HOST --port $PORT -n private --keyfile $KEYFILE -w $PASSWORD -o $MINTING_TX -i $SERIES_POLICY -a $AMOUNT_TOKENS_TO_MINT --fee $FEE_AMOUNT --walletdb $WALLET_DB --mint-token series

Then we need to prove and broadcast the transaction. This is the same procedure that is used for all transaction and is showin in the how-tos Prove Transaction and Broadcast Transaction.

Do not forget to use the --secure parameter if you are using the testnet.

Create the Asset Token

The next step is to create the actual asset. To do that we need to create an asset minting statement. An asset minting statement is a document that describes the asset. The asset minting statement specifies:

  • the UTXO that contains the group constructor token.
  • the UTXO that contains the series constructor token.
  • the quantity of tokens to mint.

Asset minting statements are simple text files in YAML format. The asset minting statement file for this tutorial looks like this (you need to replace the groupTokenUtxo and seriesTokenUtxo for the actual values):

groupTokenUtxo: 33HxStncsrptPB3ffkGpJNmoYwkkURvhiw92afWzjV3B#1
seriesTokenUtxo: 33HxStncsrptPB3ffkGpJNmoYwkkURvhiw92afWzjV3B#2
quantity: 1000
tickerName: TST
name: Test Token
description: Test Token Description

To create a simple minting transaction of asset tokens we run the following command:

brambl-cli simple-minting create --from-fellowship $FELLOWSHIP --from-template $LOCK_TEMPLATE  -h $HOST --port $PORT -n private --keyfile $KEYFILE -w $PASSWORD -o $MINTING_TX -i $AMS --fee $FEE_AMOUNT --walletdb $WALLET_DB --mint-token asset --commitment $COMMITMENT --ephemeralMetadata $EPHEMERAL_METADATA_FILE

Then we need to prove and broadcast the transaction. This is the same procedure that is used for all transaction and is showin in the how-tos Prove Transaction and Broadcast Transaction.

Do not forget to use the --secure parameter if you are using the testnet.

Check the Balance

You can check the balance of the address $TO_ADDRESS using the following command:

brambl-cli wallet balance --from-address $TO_ADDRESS --walletdb $WALLET_DB --host $HOST --port $PORT

You will see the asset, the group token and the series token.

Do not forget to use the --secure parameter if you are using the testnet.


Find more information here! Brambl-cli Documentation